System APIWelcome to the Talenger/Peopleplus API documentation. This documentation has been divided into sections. The first section is Authentication which will be used to acquire your token. Second section will be used for employee information. Third will be for configuration items like job titles, annual leave types, etc. Additional sections may be added when and where there are requirements for additional services.
Usage Instructions
Step 1: Initial setup To make use of any of the API calls you will need to set up an API access account in the system configuration. You may contact a support consultant to assist you. Step 2: Fetching the token Your first API call will need to be the Login call to get the token which will be included in the header with any other API call. Step 3: Using the API calls The token must be included in the header as a bearer token. All other fields may be url parameters or json encoded strings. These have been documented in each section. Fetching data makes use of standard parameters throughout the library: limit: This will limit the data retrieved offset: This will offset the data retrieved by x records sort: Any field or fields can be sorted. use a "-" to retrieve data descending order. May sort by multiple fields by using a comma. filter: You can use filters to get data matching specific criteria. Any field relationship or attribute may be used as a filter. Typical filter would be: filter[relationship][employees][value]=x; filter[relationship][employees][operator]="equals"; Filters may also be used on attributes: filter[attribute][approved][value]=1 filter[attribute][approved][operator]="notequals"; Available operators are: equals, notequals, lessthan and greaterthan
Here are some examples for the Login API call using different programming languages: Using HTTP:POST system_url.../api/users/login.php HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 80 { "user_email" : "", "user_pass" : "mypassword" }Using Javascript Fetch:var myHeaders = new Headers(); myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json"); var raw = JSON.stringify({"user_email":"","user_pass":"mypassword"}); var requestOptions = { method: 'POST', headers: myHeaders, body: raw, redirect: 'follow' }; fetch("system_url.../api/users/login.php", requestOptions) .then(response => response.text()) .then(result => console.log(result)) .catch(error => console.log('error', error));Using Javascript JQUERY:var settings = { "url": "system_url.../api/users/login.php", "method": "POST", "timeout": 0, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, "data": JSON.stringify({"user_email":"","user_pass":"mypassword"}), }; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { console.log(response); });Using PHP Curl:$curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => 'system_url.../api/users/login.php', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS =>'{ "user_email" : "", "user_pass" : "mypassword" }', CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( 'Content-Type: application/json' ), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "user_email" : "", "user_pass" : "mypassword" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "user_token": "60668fbf8d9f935aff5cad60f72e0526ccb705f58c", "user_firstname": "John", "user_lastname": "Doe" }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
Response Body raw (json):
{ "user_id": "60", "user_firstname": "John", "user_lastname": "Doe" }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "user_id" : "25" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "user", "id": "60", "attributes": { "user_id": "60", "company_id": "484", "franchisor_id": "0", "user_title": "0", "user_initials": "0", "user_firstname": "John", "user_lastname": "Doe", "user_designation": null } } }
Employee Details
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "id": "3259" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3259", "attributes": { "employee_empno": "TX128", "employee_firstname": "Jane", "employee_surname": "Doe", "employee_dob": "351471600", "employee_idno": "810221000xxxx", "employee_gender": "Female", "employee_nationality": "South African", "employee_language": "English ", "employee_doe": "1105398000", "employee_email": "", "employee_disabled": "No", "employee_disability": "", "employee_telno": "011345xxxx", "employee_cellno": "", "bank_branchcode": "632005", "bank_branchname": "Sandton City", "bank_accountno": "xxxxxxxxxxx", "bank_accounttype": "Savings", "employee_title": "Ms", "payment_method": "Bank Transfer", "employee_nextkinname": "John", "employee_nextkinsurname": "Doe", "employee_nextkinaddress": null, "employee_nextkincode": "2196", "employee_nextkinnumber": "011345xxxx", "employee_initials": "B", "employee_maritalstatus": "", "employee_unitnum": "", "employee_complex": "", "employee_streetnum": "xx", "employee_streetname": "Rivonia Road", "employee_suburb": "Sandton", "employee_city": "Johannesburg" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3259" } }, "supervisors": { "data": { "type": "supervisors", "id": "0" } }, "orgtypes": { "data": { "type": "orgtypes", "id": "513" } }, "jobtitles": { "data": { "type": "jobtitles", "id": "649" } }, "payrollcompanies": { "data": { "type": "payrollcompanies", "id": "39" } }, "appointmenttypes": { "data": { "type": "appointmenttypes", "id": "108" } }, "": { "data": { "type": "", "id": "ABSA Bank" } }, "remunerationtypes": { "data": { "type": "remunerationtypes", "id": "4" } }, "annuealleavetypes": { "data": { "type": "annuealleavetypes", "id": "69" } }, "costcentres": { "data": { "type": "costcentres", "id": "241" } } } } }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "limit": "2", "offset": "0", "sort": "-employee_empno", "filter": { "attribute": { "employee_status": { "value": "1", "operator": "equals" } } } }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": [ { "type": "employees", "id": "3260", "attributes": { "employee_empno": "TX129", "employee_firstname": "John", "employee_surname": "Doe", "employee_dob": "351471600", "employee_idno": "810221000xxxx", "employee_gender": "Female", "employee_nationality": "South African", "employee_language": "English ", "employee_doe": "1105398000", "employee_email": "", "employee_disabled": "No", "employee_disability": "", "employee_telno": "011345xxxx", "employee_cellno": "", "bank_branchcode": "632005", "bank_branchname": "Sandton City", "bank_accountno": "xxxxxxxxxxx", "bank_accounttype": "Savings", "employee_title": "Ms", "payment_method": "Bank Transfer", "employee_nextkinname": "Jane", "employee_nextkinsurname": "Doe", "employee_nextkinaddress": null, "employee_nextkincode": "2196", "employee_nextkinnumber": "011345xxxx", "employee_initials": "B", "employee_maritalstatus": "", "employee_unitnum": "", "employee_complex": "", "employee_streetnum": "xx", "employee_streetname": "Rivonia Road ", "employee_suburb": "Sandton", "employee_city": "Johannesburg" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } }, "supervisors": { "data": { "type": "supervisors", "id": "0" } }, "orgtypes": { "data": { "type": "orgtypes", "id": "504" } }, "jobtitles": { "data": { "type": "jobtitles", "id": "645" } }, "payrollcompanies": { "data": { "type": "payrollcompanies", "id": "39" } }, "appointmenttypes": { "data": { "type": "appointmenttypes", "id": "108" } }, "": { "data": { "type": "", "id": "ABSA Bank" } }, "remunerationtypes": { "data": { "type": "remunerationtypes", "id": "4" } }, "annuealleavetypes": { "data": { "type": "annuealleavetypes", "id": "69" } }, "costcentres": { "data": { "type": "costcentres", "id": "241" } } } }, { "type": "employees", "id": "3259", "attributes": { "employee_empno": "TX128", "employee_firstname": "Jane", "employee_surname": "Doe", "employee_dob": "351471600", "employee_idno": "810221000xxxx", "employee_gender": "Female", "employee_nationality": "South African", "employee_language": "English ", "employee_doe": "1105398000", "employee_email": "", "employee_disabled": "No", "employee_disability": "", "employee_telno": "011345xxxx", "employee_cellno": "", "bank_branchcode": "632005", "bank_branchname": "Sandton City", "bank_accountno": "xxxxxxxxxxx", "bank_accounttype": "Savings", "employee_title": "Ms", "payment_method": "Bank Transfer", "employee_nextkinname": "John", "employee_nextkinsurname": "Doe", "employee_nextkinaddress": null, "employee_nextkincode": "2196", "employee_nextkinnumber": "011345xxxx", "employee_initials": "B", "employee_maritalstatus": "", "employee_unitnum": "", "employee_complex": "", "employee_streetnum": "xx", "employee_streetname": "Rivonia Road", "employee_suburb": "Sandton", "employee_city": "Johannesburg" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3259" } }, "supervisors": { "data": { "type": "supervisors", "id": "0" } }, "orgtypes": { "data": { "type": "orgtypes", "id": "513" } }, "jobtitles": { "data": { "type": "jobtitles", "id": "649" } }, "payrollcompanies": { "data": { "type": "payrollcompanies", "id": "39" } }, "appointmenttypes": { "data": { "type": "appointmenttypes", "id": "108" } }, "": { "data": { "type": "", "id": "ABSA Bank" } }, "remunerationtypes": { "data": { "type": "remunerationtypes", "id": "4" } }, "annuealleavetypes": { "data": { "type": "annuealleavetypes", "id": "69" } }, "costcentres": { "data": { "type": "costcentres", "id": "241" } } } } ] }
Employee Vehicles
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "id": "9" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "employeevehicles", "id": "9", "attributes": { "vehicle_id": "9", "vehicle_make": "Toyota", "vehicle_model": "Yaris", "vehicle_year": "2021", "vehicle_regnum": "BBB123GP" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3259" } } } } }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "limit": "10", "offset": "0", "sort": "vehicle_make", "filter": { "relationship": { "employees": { "value": "3260" } } } }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": [ { "type": "employeevehicles", "id": "8", "attributes": { "vehicle_id": "8", "vehicle_make": "Toyota", "vehicle_model": "Corolla", "vehicle_year": "2021", "vehicle_regnum": "AAA123GP" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } } } } ] }
Employee Tasks
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "employeetasks", "id": "2323", "attributes": { "task_subject": "Add induction course", "task_text": "Add induction course to Nadia Jacobs (TX130)", "task_date": "1615804247", "task_datedue": "1617141600", "task_datestart": "1616367600", "task_dateremind": "1616911200", "task_priority": "Normal", "task_status": "Not Started" }, "relationships": { "tasks": { "data": { "type": "tasks", "id": "2323" } }, "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } }, "supervisors": { "data": { "type": "supervisors", "id": "3260" } } } } }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "limit": "10", "offset": "0", "sort": "task_date", "filter": { "attribute": { "task_status": { "value": "Completed", "operator": "notequals" } }, "relationship": { "employees": { "value": "3260", "operator": "equals" } } } }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": [ { "type": "employeetasks", "id": "2322", "attributes": { "task_subject": "New access card", "task_text": "Issue new access card to Nadia Jacobs (TX130)", "task_date": "1615804159", "task_datedue": "1617141600", "task_datestart": "1615762800", "task_dateremind": "1616396400", "task_priority": "High", "task_status": "Not Started" }, "relationships": { "tasks": { "data": { "type": "tasks", "id": "2322" } }, "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } }, "supervisors": { "data": { "type": "supervisors", "id": "3260" } } } }, { "type": "employeetasks", "id": "2323", "attributes": { "task_subject": "Add induction course", "task_text": "Add induction course to Nadia Jacobs (TX130)", "task_date": "1615804247", "task_datedue": "1617141600", "task_datestart": "1616367600", "task_dateremind": "1616911200", "task_priority": "Normal", "task_status": "Not Started" }, "relationships": { "tasks": { "data": { "type": "tasks", "id": "2323" } }, "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } }, "supervisors": { "data": { "type": "supervisors", "id": "3260" } } } } ] }
Employee Pension
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "id": "181" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "employeepension", "id": "181", "attributes": { "employeepension_id": "181", "pension_no": "5786xxxx", "pension_datejoined": "1359586800", "pension_dateexit": null, "pension_reason": null }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } }, "pensionplans": { "data": { "type": "pensionplans", "id": "19" } } } } }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "limit": "10", "offset": "0", "sort": "pension_datejoined", "filter": { "relationship": { "employees": { "value": "2973" } } } }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": [ { "type": "employeepension", "id": "162", "attributes": { "employeepension_id": "162", "pension_no": "aersty565", "pension_datejoined": "1359586800", "pension_dateexit": "0", "pension_reason": "" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "2973" } }, "pensionplans": { "data": { "type": "pensionplans", "id": "19" } } } } ] }
Employee Medical
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "id": "211" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "employeemedical", "id": "211", "attributes": { "medical_no": "", "medical_datejoined": "1301608800", "medical_dateexit": null, "medical_reason": null, "childdependants": "0", "adultdependants": "2", "medical_contributiontype": "percent", "medical_percent": "50", "medical_amount": "0" }, "relationships": { "employeemedical": { "data": { "type": "employeemedical", "id": "211" } }, "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } }, "medicalaidplans": { "data": { "type": "medicalaidplans", "id": "147" } } } } }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "limit": "10", "offset": "0", "sort": "medical_datejoined", "filter": { "relationship": { "employees": { "value": "3260" } } } }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": [ { "type": "employeemedical", "id": "211", "attributes": { "medical_no": "", "medical_datejoined": "1301608800", "medical_dateexit": null, "medical_reason": null, "childdependants": "0", "adultdependants": "2", "medical_contributiontype": "percent", "medical_percent": "50", "medical_amount": "0" }, "relationships": { "employeemedical": { "data": { "type": "employeemedical", "id": "211" } }, "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } }, "medicalaidplans": { "data": { "type": "medicalaidplans", "id": "147" } } } } ] }
Employee Leave
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "id": "8231" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "employeeleave", "id": "8231", "attributes": { "employeeleave_id": "8231", "date_from": "1606172400", "date_to": "1606431600", "days": "4", "approved": "0", "approvalcomment": null, "comments": " (2020-11-25/12:34):
-------------------------", "leave_date": "1606304093" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3249" } }, "supervisors": { "data": { "type": "supervisors", "id": "3252" } }, "generalleavetypes": { "data": { "type": "generalleavetypes", "id": "0" } } } } }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "limit": "10", "offset": "0", "sort": "-date_from", "filter": { "attribute": { "approved": { "value": "0" } }, "relationship": { "employees": { "value": "3260", "operator": "equals" } } } }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": [ { "type": "employeeleave", "id": "8239", "attributes": { "employeeleave_id": "8239", "date_from": "1615762800", "date_to": "1616108400", "days": "5", "approved": "0", "approvalcomment": null, "comments": "
Planned annual leave
-------------------------", "leave_date": "1615810562" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } }, "supervisors": { "data": { "type": "supervisors", "id": "2973" } }, "generalleavetypes": { "data": { "type": "generalleavetypes", "id": "0" } } } }, { "type": "employeeleave", "id": "8240", "attributes": { "employeeleave_id": "8240", "date_from": "1615330800", "date_to": "1615330800", "days": "1", "approved": "0", "approvalcomment": null, "comments": " (2021-03-15/13:55):Writing exams-------------------------", "leave_date": "1615812938" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } }, "supervisors": { "data": { "type": "supervisors", "id": "2973" } }, "generalleavetypes": { "data": { "type": "generalleavetypes", "id": "90" } } } }, { "type": "employeeleave", "id": "8194", "attributes": { "employeeleave_id": "8194", "date_from": "1296079200", "date_to": "1296424800", "days": "3", "approved": "0", "approvalcomment": "", "comments": "", "leave_date": "1296117657" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } }, "supervisors": { "data": { "type": "supervisors", "id": "0" } }, "generalleavetypes": { "data": { "type": "generalleavetypes", "id": "0" } } } }, { "type": "employeeleave", "id": "8193", "attributes": { "employeeleave_id": "8193", "date_from": "1295992800", "date_to": "1295992800", "days": "1", "approved": "0", "approvalcomment": "", "comments": "", "leave_date": "1295947253" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } }, "supervisors": { "data": { "type": "supervisors", "id": "0" } }, "generalleavetypes": { "data": { "type": "generalleavetypes", "id": "0" } } } }, { "type": "employeeleave", "id": "8192", "attributes": { "employeeleave_id": "8192", "date_from": "1295906400", "date_to": "1295906400", "days": "1", "approved": "0", "approvalcomment": "", "comments": "", "leave_date": "1295874467" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } }, "supervisors": { "data": { "type": "supervisors", "id": "0" } }, "generalleavetypes": { "data": { "type": "generalleavetypes", "id": "0" } } } } ] }
Employee Assets
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "id": "51" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "employeeassets", "id": "51", "attributes": { "employeeasset_id": "51", "employeeasset_desc": "HP Laptop", "employeeasset_no": "58FS1208672", "employeeasset_date": "", "employeeasset_notes": "", "employeeasset_value": "15000.00", "employeeasset_dateissued": "1577833200", "employeeasset_issuedby": "George Smith", "employeeasset_email": "", "employeeasset_tel": "011786xxxx" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } } } } }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "limit": "10", "offset": "0", "sort": "employeeasset_desc", "filter": { "relationship": { "employees": { "value": "3260", "operator": "equals" } } } }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": [ { "type": "employeeassets", "id": "51", "attributes": { "employeeasset_id": "51", "employeeasset_desc": "HP Laptop", "employeeasset_no": "58FS1208672", "employeeasset_date": "", "employeeasset_notes": "", "employeeasset_value": "15000.00", "employeeasset_dateissued": "1577833200", "employeeasset_issuedby": "George Smith", "employeeasset_email": "", "employeeasset_tel": "011786xxxx" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } } } }, { "type": "employeeassets", "id": "52", "attributes": { "employeeasset_id": "52", "employeeasset_desc": "LG LED Monitor", "employeeasset_no": "12FS1204232", "employeeasset_date": "", "employeeasset_notes": "", "employeeasset_value": "2000.00", "employeeasset_dateissued": "1577833200", "employeeasset_issuedby": "George Smith", "employeeasset_email": "", "employeeasset_tel": "011786xxxx" }, "relationships": { "employees": { "data": { "type": "employees", "id": "3260" } } } } ] }
Cost Centres
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "id" : "239" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "costcentres", "id": "239", "attributes": { "costcentre_name": "Information Technology", "costcentre_desc": "", "payroll_code": "ITC", "status": "1" }, "relationships": [] } }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "limit": "10", "offset": "0", "sort": "costcentre_name", "filter": { "attribute": { "status": { "value": "1" } } } }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": [ { "type": "ir_costcentres", "id": "242", "attributes": { "costcentre_name": "Call Centre", "costcentre_desc": "", "payroll_code": "CCE", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "ir_costcentres", "id": "243", "attributes": { "costcentre_name": "Construction Site", "costcentre_desc": "", "payroll_code": "COS", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "ir_costcentres", "id": "265", "attributes": { "costcentre_name": "Demo Test", "costcentre_desc": "", "payroll_code": "CC265", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "ir_costcentres", "id": "241", "attributes": { "costcentre_name": "Human Resources", "costcentre_desc": "", "payroll_code": "HRS", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "ir_costcentres", "id": "239", "attributes": { "costcentre_name": "Information Technology", "costcentre_desc": "", "payroll_code": "ITC", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "ir_costcentres", "id": "240", "attributes": { "costcentre_name": "Sale and Marketing", "costcentre_desc": "", "payroll_code": "SAM", "status": "1" } } ] }
Annual Leave Types
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "id" : "69" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "annualleavetypes", "id": "69", "attributes": { "annualleavetype_name": "Annual leave 20 Days", "annualleavetype_days": "20", "annualleavetype_acctype": "12", "status": "1" }, "relationships": [] } }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "limit": "10", "offset": "0", "sort": "annualleavetype_name", "filter": { "attribute": { "status": { "value": "1" } } } }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": [ { "type": "annualleavetypes", "id": "76", "attributes": { "annualleavetype_name": "Annual Leave 15 Days", "annualleavetype_days": "15", "annualleavetype_acctype": "12", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "annualleavetypes", "id": "75", "attributes": { "annualleavetype_name": "Annual Leave 18 Days", "annualleavetype_days": "18", "annualleavetype_acctype": "12", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "annualleavetypes", "id": "82", "attributes": { "annualleavetype_name": "Annual Leave 19 Days", "annualleavetype_days": "19", "annualleavetype_acctype": "26", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "annualleavetypes", "id": "69", "attributes": { "annualleavetype_name": "Annual leave 20 Days", "annualleavetype_days": "20", "annualleavetype_acctype": "12", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "annualleavetypes", "id": "97", "attributes": { "annualleavetype_name": "annual leave 21 days", "annualleavetype_days": "21", "annualleavetype_acctype": "12", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "annualleavetypes", "id": "98", "attributes": { "annualleavetype_name": "annual leave 21 days", "annualleavetype_days": "21", "annualleavetype_acctype": "12", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "annualleavetypes", "id": "83", "attributes": { "annualleavetype_name": "Annual Leave 25 Days", "annualleavetype_days": "25", "annualleavetype_acctype": "12", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "annualleavetypes", "id": "72", "attributes": { "annualleavetype_name": "Annual Leave 28 days", "annualleavetype_days": "28", "annualleavetype_acctype": "12", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "annualleavetypes", "id": "100", "attributes": { "annualleavetype_name": "Demo Test", "annualleavetype_days": "1", "annualleavetype_acctype": "12", "status": "1" } } ] }
Appointment Types
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "id": "31" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "appointmenttypes", "id": "31", "attributes": { "appointmenttype_name": "Permanent", "appointmenttype_desc": "", "appointmenttype_days": "0", "appointmenttype_mon": "1", "appointmenttype_tues": "1", "appointmenttype_wed": "0", "appointmenttype_thurs": "1", "appointmenttype_fri": "1", "appointmenttype_sat": "1", "appointmenttype_sun": "1", "appointmenttype_pub": "0", "status": "1" }, "relationships": [] } }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "limit": "10", "offset": "0", "sort": "appointmenttype_name", "filter": { "attribute": { "status": { "value": "1" } } } }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": [ { "type": "ir_appointmenttypes", "id": "111", "attributes": { "appointmenttype_name": "6 day worker", "appointmenttype_desc": "", "appointmenttype_days": null, "appointmenttype_mon": "1", "appointmenttype_tues": "1", "appointmenttype_wed": "1", "appointmenttype_thurs": "1", "appointmenttype_fri": "1", "appointmenttype_sat": "1", "appointmenttype_sun": "0", "appointmenttype_pub": "0", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "ir_appointmenttypes", "id": "106", "attributes": { "appointmenttype_name": "Bursuary", "appointmenttype_desc": "", "appointmenttype_days": "0", "appointmenttype_mon": "1", "appointmenttype_tues": "1", "appointmenttype_wed": "1", "appointmenttype_thurs": "1", "appointmenttype_fri": "1", "appointmenttype_sat": "0", "appointmenttype_sun": "0", "appointmenttype_pub": "0", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "ir_appointmenttypes", "id": "105", "attributes": { "appointmenttype_name": "Casual/Temp", "appointmenttype_desc": "", "appointmenttype_days": "0", "appointmenttype_mon": "1", "appointmenttype_tues": "1", "appointmenttype_wed": "1", "appointmenttype_thurs": "1", "appointmenttype_fri": "1", "appointmenttype_sat": "0", "appointmenttype_sun": "0", "appointmenttype_pub": "0", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "ir_appointmenttypes", "id": "109", "attributes": { "appointmenttype_name": "Contractor", "appointmenttype_desc": "", "appointmenttype_days": "0", "appointmenttype_mon": "1", "appointmenttype_tues": "1", "appointmenttype_wed": "1", "appointmenttype_thurs": "1", "appointmenttype_fri": "1", "appointmenttype_sat": "1", "appointmenttype_sun": "1", "appointmenttype_pub": "1", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "ir_appointmenttypes", "id": "131", "attributes": { "appointmenttype_name": "Demo Test", "appointmenttype_desc": "", "appointmenttype_days": null, "appointmenttype_mon": "1", "appointmenttype_tues": "1", "appointmenttype_wed": "1", "appointmenttype_thurs": "1", "appointmenttype_fri": "1", "appointmenttype_sat": "1", "appointmenttype_sun": "1", "appointmenttype_pub": "1", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "ir_appointmenttypes", "id": "107", "attributes": { "appointmenttype_name": "Interns/Leadership", "appointmenttype_desc": "", "appointmenttype_days": "0", "appointmenttype_mon": "1", "appointmenttype_tues": "1", "appointmenttype_wed": "1", "appointmenttype_thurs": "1", "appointmenttype_fri": "1", "appointmenttype_sat": "0", "appointmenttype_sun": "0", "appointmenttype_pub": "0", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "ir_appointmenttypes", "id": "108", "attributes": { "appointmenttype_name": "Permanent", "appointmenttype_desc": "", "appointmenttype_days": "0", "appointmenttype_mon": "1", "appointmenttype_tues": "1", "appointmenttype_wed": "1", "appointmenttype_thurs": "1", "appointmenttype_fri": "1", "appointmenttype_sat": "0", "appointmenttype_sun": "0", "appointmenttype_pub": "0", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "ir_appointmenttypes", "id": "110", "attributes": { "appointmenttype_name": "Permanent Half Day", "appointmenttype_desc": "", "appointmenttype_days": "0", "appointmenttype_mon": "1", "appointmenttype_tues": "0", "appointmenttype_wed": "1", "appointmenttype_thurs": "0", "appointmenttype_fri": "1", "appointmenttype_sat": "0", "appointmenttype_sun": "0", "appointmenttype_pub": "0", "status": "1" } } ] }
General Leave Types
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "id" : "89" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "generalleavetypes", "id": "89", "attributes": { "generalleavetype_name": "Sick Leave", "generalleavetype_days": "30", "generalleavetype_cycle": "3", "status": "0" }, "relationships": [] } }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "limit": "10", "offset": "0", "sort": "generalleavetype_name", "filter": { "attribute": { "status": { "value": "1" } } } }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": [ { "type": "generalleavetypes", "id": "114", "attributes": { "generalleavetype_name": "Demo Test", "generalleavetype_days": "30", "generalleavetype_cycle": "3", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "generalleavetypes", "id": "91", "attributes": { "generalleavetype_name": "Maternity Leave", "generalleavetype_days": "60", "generalleavetype_cycle": "1", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "generalleavetypes", "id": "93", "attributes": { "generalleavetype_name": "Off site Business", "generalleavetype_days": "", "generalleavetype_cycle": "", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "generalleavetypes", "id": "92", "attributes": { "generalleavetype_name": "Paternity leave", "generalleavetype_days": "5", "generalleavetype_cycle": "1", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "generalleavetypes", "id": "90", "attributes": { "generalleavetype_name": "Study leave", "generalleavetype_days": "10", "generalleavetype_cycle": "1", "status": "1" } }, { "type": "generalleavetypes", "id": "115", "attributes": { "generalleavetype_name": "Unpaid Leave", "generalleavetype_days": "10", "generalleavetype_cycle": "2", "status": "1" } } ] }
Job Titles
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "id" : "644" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "jobtitles", "id": "644", "attributes": { "jobtitle_id": "644", "jobtitle_name": "Human Resources Director and acting XYZ", "jobtitle_desc": "The Human Resources Director guides and manages the overall provision of Human Resources services, policies, and programs for the entire company. The major areas directed are:
- \r\n
- Recruiting and staffing; \r\n
- organisational and space planning; \r\n
- performance management and improvement systems; \r\n
- organisation development; \r\n
- employment and compliance to regulatory concerns; \r\n
- employee orientation, development, and training; \r\n
- policy development and documentation; \r\n
- employee relations; \r\n
- company-wide committee facilitation; \r\n
- company employee and community communication; \r\n
- compensation and benefits administration; \r\n
- employee safety, welfare, wellness and health; \r\n
- charitable giving; and \r\n
- employee services and counseling. \r\n
(Note: Depending on your organisation's needs, the HR Director often directs administration, including reception, and may even be responsible for facility security and upkeep in addition to space planning.)
The Human Resources Director originates and leads Human Resources practices and objectives that will provide an employee-oriented, high performance culture that emphasises empowerment, quality, productivity and standards, goal attainment, and the recruitment and ongoing development of a superior workforce.
The Human Resources Director coordinates implementation of services, policies, and programs through Human Resources staff; reports to the CEO and serves on the executive management team; and assists and advises company managers about Human Resources issues.
Primary Objectives:
- \r\n
- Safety of the workforce. \r\n
- Development of a superior workforce. \r\n
- Development of the Human Resources department. \r\n
- Development of an employee-oriented company culture that emphasizes quality, continuous improvement, and high performance. \r\n
- Personal ongoing development.
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "limit": "10", "offset": "0", "sort": "jobtitle_name", "filter": { "attribute": { "status": { "value": "1" } } } }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": [ { "type": "jobtitles", "id": "658", "attributes": { "jobtitle_id": "658", "jobtitle_name": "Accountant", "jobtitle_desc": "Minimum Requirements
- \r\n
- Degree/Diploma in Accounting/Cost and Management Accounting \r\n
- MFG Pro / Business Intelligence /Pastel Partner \r\n
- Excel and general computer is essential \r\n
- More than 2 years experience in FMCG \r\n
Key Responsibilities
- \r\n
- Must be able to provide strong support to the Financial Manager in collection, collation and interpretation of financial information \r\n
- Support the business in the delivery of accurate and timely reports \r\n
- Support the integrity and discipline of the business through driving the implementation and compliance with company policy and procedures \r\n
- Support the senior team in the speed and accuracy of decisions through undertaking the collection and collation of data and interpretation of same \r\n
- Ensure the integrity of financial data. \r\n
- Prepare and keeping Bill of materials up to date. \r\n
- Prepare management reports in a timely and accurate manner and by the due date. \r\n
- Compile Variance analysis - factory efficiencies, waste and factory fixed and variable costs. \r\n
- Co-ordinate monthly stocks takes and prepare monthly stock reports. \r\n
- Stock Management including Raw Materials. \r\n
- Prepare daily stock watch reports. \r\n
- Update std cost on Pastel \r\n
- Prepare factory costings and on locally manufactured goods including new products. \r\n
- Report on cost improvement plans. \r\n
- As part of the factory operations team, you will be required to provide input to ensure that the factory achieve its annual budget \r\n
", "payroll_code": "", "qualification_ids": "109", "jobtitle_experience": "2", "learningprog_id": null, "learningrequirement_quallevel": null, "learningrequirement_sstlevel": null, "performanceoutputlevel_id": "0", "jobtitle_experienceother": "", "status": "1" }, "relationships": { "families": { "data": { "type": "families", "id": "5" } } } }, { "type": "jobtitles", "id": "643", "attributes": { "jobtitle_id": "643", "jobtitle_name": "ADJUSTMENTS CLERK", "jobtitle_desc": "
- \r\n
- Managing and minimising the risk to the company and to the client with regard to the monitoring of shipments where provisional payments are lodged to ensure that they do not become time prescribed. \r\n
- To ensure that applications for refund of duty are submitted timeously to customs so that they do not become time-prescribed. \r\n
- To facilitate all MIDP related queries and refunds. \r\n
- To ensure that detained cargo is examined and released without delay and keep clients informed of status on a regular basis. \r\n
- Making applications and processing of substitution bills of entry. \r\n
- To assist with drawback refund claims in respect of Schedule 5. \r\n
- Ensure all aspects of Business Compliance System (BCS) are complied with. \r\n
- Conducting EWP examinations when necessary to resolve tariff and other customs related issues. \r\n
- To finalise outstanding stop notes and audit queries where applicable. \r\n
- To update the PP and refund schedules regularly and elevate any problems immediately aware of same. \r\n
- Ad-hoc assignments as required. \r\n
- Strict adherence to BCS, coupled with a commitment to the Continual Improvement process. \r\n
- \r\n
- Matriculation certificate or equivalent. \r\n
- A minimum of three years customs Bill of Entry experience. \r\n
- Industry related courses (Customs Clearing 1 & 2, Incoterms, and Refunds). \r\n
- Strong, proven experience in an Adjustments environment. \r\n
- Proven working knowledge of Customs issues as relates to the Automotive Industry. \r\n
- Some previous knowledge of the MIDP process would be advantageous. \r\n
- Good working knowledge of Incoterms. \r\n
- Very good working knowledge of the Customs Tariff, HS Explanatory Notes, Guide to Customs Valuation, Incoterms, Customs and Excise Act and the Rules is essential. \r\n
- Proficiency in the Compu-Clearing / Corefreight system and the framing of VOC Bills of Entry and other adjustments related documents is a requirement. \r\n
- The ability to work independently, with well developed interpersonal and communication skills. \r\n
- Good letter writing skills and the ability to clearly express your point of view when letter of motivation, etc is to be submitted to Customs. \r\n
- A working knowledge of Portnet and SACD procedures regarding FCL and LCL containers would be an advantage. \r\n
\r\n- \r\n
- Will assist resources with cost estimation development throughout the project lifecycle\t \r\n
- Will develop, improve templates, processes, benchmark and monitor best practices & industry standards \r\n
- Responsible for process & system development, implementation and processes metric auditing & reporting\t\t\t \r\n
- Will generate reports for project cost, effort hours, close-out, systems, etc \r\n
- Will develop contingencies based on risks\tand assist in developing a parametric database & update critical metrics \r\n
- Will update cost estimating system with latest cost data derived from reports & parametric database and complete studies to baseline processes & perform gap analysis \r\n
- Will work with business units to track equipment / material pricing trends & update resource rates \r\n
\r\n- \r\n
- Bachelor's or Associates degree in engineering, construction management, building science, business or related experience \r\n
- Minimum or six years of relevant experience in engineering, construction, project , management or related field \r\n
- Experience using U.S. Cost Success Enterprise or similar systems \r\n
- Requires utility industry experience working with substation and line projects or equivalent background \r\n
- Requires a proficiency in Excel \r\n
- Must have proficiency with MS Office applications \r\n
- Experience with cost management, project management, Six Sigma, Lean training experience\t\t\t\t\t \r\n
- Must be able to prepare accurate cost reports and recommendations \r\n
- Must be able to communicate and monitor cost control requirements with external parties such as vendor/suppliers, contractors and consultants \r\n
- Requires occasional overnight travel\t\t\t \r\n
To manage the entire human resources outsourced function of the client. To provide a comprehensive support service to all departments relative to identified human resource requirements. This service includes the hiring of staff, maintenance of staff (training and development, suitable remuneration and fringe benefits, promotions, discipline and performance management).
The Human Resources Consultant is also responsble for ensuring that the HR Department conforms to the client's quality system procedures as documentated and must also establish HR procedures for the client's management.
Essential Activities:
\r\n- \r\n
- Recruiting, selecting and placement of personnel. \r\n
- Establish and maintain effective industrial relations. \r\n
- Maintain personnel records and remuneration levels. \r\n
- Management of essential activities and responsibilities of subordinates. \r\n
- Facilitate training and development of all company employees. \r\n
- Communicate information to all managers regarding pending and implemented changes to labour statutes. \r\n
- Attend operations meetings to gather information impacting on the business and staff. \r\n
- Monitor the environment to ensure conditions of employment are in line with the market. \r\n
- Implementation of HR related systems, processes and procedures. \r\n
- All of the above responsibilities are carried out within the parameters of all respective statutes and an annually approved Company (client) budget. \r\n
- To provide the client and the General Manager of Lifense with a monthly report. \r\n
", "payroll_code": "", "qualification_ids": "110", "jobtitle_experience": "3", "learningprog_id": null, "learningrequirement_quallevel": null, "learningrequirement_sstlevel": null, "performanceoutputlevel_id": "0", "jobtitle_experienceother": null, "status": "1" }, "relationships": { "families": { "data": { "type": "families", "id": "1" } } } }, { "type": "jobtitles", "id": "648", "attributes": { "jobtitle_id": "648", "jobtitle_name": "HR Business Partner", "jobtitle_desc": "
Collects and interprets HR/Organisational Effectiveness metrics and makes recommendation to line management/business based on these analyses.
\r\n- \r\n
- Implement TUW leadership and other culture and OE initiatives. \r\n
- Ensure alignment and delivery of projects/tasks in line with department business plans, division and business strategic objectives. Develop and communicate project plans, with 3 to 6 month focus, and mitigate risks. Identify best practice and improvement on systems, processes and operational excellence. \r\n
- Manage costs in line with budget. Implement company policies to manage risks and ensure compliance with legislation and business processes. Contribute specific expertise and provide input to department business plan. \r\n
- Promote, support and encourage participation in company CSR initiatives. \r\n
- Educate and hold people accountable to contribute to our green footprint. Source and manage key relationships with strategic partners in line with service standards/SLA. \r\n
- Set, agree and drive performance objectives and development goals in line with departmental business plans. \r\n
- Management development, performance management and career plan of self and others. Collaborate with own and other teams to support the achievement of all business/individual goals. \r\n
- Recruit talent in line with role requirement and budget. \r\n
The Human Resources Director guides and manages the overall provision of Human Resources services, policies, and programs for the entire company. The major areas directed are:
\r\n- \r\n
- Recruiting and staffing; \r\n
- organisational and space planning; \r\n
- performance management and improvement systems; \r\n
- organisation development; \r\n
- employment and compliance to regulatory concerns; \r\n
- employee orientation, development, and training; \r\n
- policy development and documentation; \r\n
- employee relations; \r\n
- company-wide committee facilitation; \r\n
- company employee and community communication; \r\n
- compensation and benefits administration; \r\n
- employee safety, welfare, wellness and health; \r\n
- charitable giving; and \r\n
- employee services and counseling. \r\n
(Note: Depending on your organisation's needs, the HR Director often directs administration, including reception, and may even be responsible for facility security and upkeep in addition to space planning.)
The Human Resources Director originates and leads Human Resources practices and objectives that will provide an employee-oriented, high performance culture that emphasises empowerment, quality, productivity and standards, goal attainment, and the recruitment and ongoing development of a superior workforce.
The Human Resources Director coordinates implementation of services, policies, and programs through Human Resources staff; reports to the CEO and serves on the executive management team; and assists and advises company managers about Human Resources issues.
Primary Objectives:
- \r\n
- Safety of the workforce. \r\n
- Development of a superior workforce. \r\n
- Development of the Human Resources department. \r\n
- Development of an employee-oriented company culture that emphasizes quality, continuous improvement, and high performance. \r\n
- Personal ongoing development.
The Human Resources Director guides and manages the overall provision of Human Resources services, policies, and programs for the entire company. The major areas directed are:
\r\n- \r\n
- Recruiting and staffing; \r\n
- organisational and space planning; \r\n
- performance management and improvement systems; \r\n
- organisation development; \r\n
- employment and compliance to regulatory concerns; \r\n
- employee orientation, development, and training; \r\n
- policy development and documentation; \r\n
- employee relations; \r\n
- company-wide committee facilitation; \r\n
- company employee and community communication; \r\n
- compensation and benefits administration; \r\n
- employee safety, welfare, wellness and health; \r\n
- charitable giving; and \r\n
- employee services and counseling. \r\n
(Note: Depending on your organisation's needs, the HR Director often directs administration, including reception, and may even be responsible for facility security and upkeep in addition to space planning.)
The Human Resources Director originates and leads Human Resources practices and objectives that will provide an employee-oriented, high performance culture that emphasises empowerment, quality, productivity and standards, goal attainment, and the recruitment and ongoing development of a superior workforce.
The Human Resources Director coordinates implementation of services, policies, and programs through Human Resources staff; reports to the CEO and serves on the executive management team; and assists and advises company managers about Human Resources issues.
Primary Objectives:
- \r\n
- Safety of the workforce. \r\n
- Development of a superior workforce. \r\n
- Development of the Human Resources department. \r\n
- Development of an employee-oriented company culture that emphasizes quality, continuous improvement, and high performance. \r\n
- Personal ongoing development.
This unique role offers Managers an opportunity to work on an evolutionary series of projects over the course of several years, you would be involved in building a first in South African Telecommunications history. They offer new and unique work, extensive training and an opportunity to be a part of something brand new.
The Project Manager will manage and deliver complex IT projects. You will have an overview of all projects, moves, adds and changes ensuring all projects are delivered to milestones and budget.
Assemble key players on the project team,
direct, motivate and manage people,
delegate responsibility and task interfaces,
establish and update plans with actuals and forecasts,
manage and deliver the required product/s,
ensure quality is achieved as planned,
deliver to time and cost with agreed tolerances,
report to respective stakeholders,
escalate decisions and any unresolved issues,
conclude the work upon completion,
delivery of multiple projects within a large cross functional programme with complex interfaces,
management of customer interfaces,
planning and managing of quality and risk in a project environment.
min 4 years relevant commercial experience,
previous telecommunications experience in Billing, OSS, BSS, CRM and/or e/m Commerce,
broad skilled knowledge of IT and telecommunications applications,
a background in systems design, development, implementation,
hands on delivery or involvement in large IT change programmes.
Project Management process methodology - some form of formal qualification - PMP, Prince, PMBOK etc...
Vendor management skills,
Medical Aid Plans
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
{ "id" : "145" }
Response Body raw (json):
{ "data": { "type": "medicalplans", "id": "145", "attributes": { "medicalplan_name": "Classic Core ", "medicalplan_valuemember": "1745", "medicalplan_riskmember": null, "medicalplan_msamember": null, "medicalplan_valueadult": "1373", "medicalplan_riskadult": null, "medicalplan_msaadult": null, "medicalplan_valuechild": "698", "medicalplan_riskchild": null, "medicalplan_msachild": null, "medicalplan_valuechildqty": null, "status": "1" }, "relationships": [] } }
Request as URL Params:
Request as Body raw (json):
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Response Body raw (json):
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Remuneration Types
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Pension/Provident Fund Plans
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